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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Pregnits

"Children are like grandfathers...they don't give a shit if their clothes match." from the book "Sh*tty Mom: The Parenting Guide for the Rest of Us"

I am pregnant. VERY Pregant.

I dunno if I should say that with an exclamation mark to let you know that "yes, I'm cool about it and happy" or a flat period as a matter of fact. I mean...this is my THIRD child. I have a boy, 4, and girl, 21 months so I'm not pressed to find out the gender of this child until d-day, nor have I made a big deal of it to the few friends and family members that I have. There's a reason for that.

You see, When I got married a couple of years ago, most of my friends dropped me. Like a cold dish rag. I got married (didn't know I was already pregnant) 8 or so months later I had a beautiful boy, went back to work, and regular life, and started to notice that my main hang out buddies were all of a sudden distant or busy...all the time. I got the "let's see" about having lunch from one friend so many times that my child was nearly a year old when I saw her again. I began to realize that some of their assumptions were "Oh, she's a married mother now so I have to get ghost. For years it made me really really sad, but I've had to realize that, indeed, as your life changes so do your relationships with people. Like it or not. Good things came from it too though. I've picked up a few new people and learned to let the old ones go. When I think of them here and there, I send thoughts of love because losing someone isn't always a loss. back to this 'pregnits' situation. I know there will be questions, so here are some some things I'm willing to share:

1. I will not be announcing the arrival of my child via any social media platform. I may mention something months later (if at all) but I'm just not into this overly intimate notion of posting ALL my business on the interwebs. Call me old school...

2. ...if you are a complete stranger or someone I barely remember from who-knows-when, please don't ask me to share any details about my pregnancy. I don't know why, but it weirds me out to get "What are you having?/When are you due?/Can I touch your belly?" from people I don't know. The introvert in me is like "Whoa nosey!!!"

3. If I have your number, I'll send a text letting you know that I'm in delivery because I do so LOVE face-to-face interaction much more than I like this here screen stuff. However, if you live too far to come, just inbox/text/email me your physical address and I'll send you a traditional baby announcement with info. & photos later. Promise.


In thinking about buying baby clothes all over again, I had a hilarious idea.

Okay, hear me out...
I am already fatigued with these syrupy sweet, extra cutsie-spoopsie-toopsie baby clothes. Like seriously, who is making these clown clothes? Kids have all their likes to be ecentric, so I thought to myself ' about some graphic onsies that say what babies are really thinking when stared at by a stranger AND what some parents want to say but are too afraid of offending?"

So I sketched a few ideas of my "offensive" baby designs. Remember, these are meant to be tongue in cheek and (hopefully) witty.

The mock ups will have graphics that say stuff like...
"Shhhh...I'm pooping"
"Stranger Danger!"
Farty & Proud

And then, because I love physics, I'm thinking of puting huge mathematical equations on Onsies but not naming the equation. For example, picture "3.14159" in colored stripes on the front or back of a 6 month size onsie. Now, this idea might backfire because then people who aren't familiar with math would ask me what it means, but I think it'd be cool to watch the more informed realize "oh that's pi" and smile in their smarty pants delight at having such a keen memory. That just warms the cockles of my heart. :)

Please leave a comment, suggestion, or thought below and face-tweet-mail-pin-book this too!!! Grace K.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Leaves & Water

One afternoon I was sitting in my truck with my two kids, flipping through an old Michael Aram Designs catalog. Most of his stuff is outrageously expensive, but a few years ago I stripped, painted, and re-knobbed an old armour and LO and BEHOLD! I found the most exquisite Michael Aram Knobs at Lowes. They were polished nickel stone pull knobs, for a very reasonable $4-6 (Can you tell I like to shop?)

Anyway, we were waiting for my husband to come out of an office building. As I had these water/stone/leaf/nature metal designs swirling in my head, it suddenly started hailing. Really hard, really fast, and really short. It was one of those freak flash weather things that last a few minutes and then the sun breaks and the sky clears as if to say "'whoa, hommy! my bad, here you go."

Well instead of freaking out, my kids thought it was THE coolest thing ever so we sat back and enjoyed the roar of ice pellets hitting everything. Like I said, it was over in minutes, and evaporated before my husband returns to the truck. So as we're getting settled back down, my son reaches up and pulls back the inside slide to reveal the sunroof and this is what we see.
I thought it was gorgeous. These leaves were so delicate, and teeny tiny. I snapped a few pics, as we drove on (I wasn't driving). That night after I put my kiddos to bed, and had a glass of wine I wipped out my pencils & added a few mental images from this scene into my sketch pad. I like to just doodle sometimes. I think everyone to create something everyday. Written, drawn, choreographed and recorded, large or tiny--doesn't matter, make something. I try my best to follow this advise because it may not specifically flow into a manifestation of the original idea, but it most assuredly will spark some madd, cool, crazy, funky idea. So I sketched this...
...and I liked it. Like I said, it hasn't coalesced into a concrete painting yet, but I'm having so much fun turning over images of water and leaves in my mind.

Before you go, please leave a comment below and share on face-tweet-pin this! Thanks-Grace K.